Our Services

Human Resource Consulting
The world of work is changing. People are an increasingly valuable source of sustainable competitive advantage for organizations operating in a global economy and business environment characterized by only one certainty – change.

Organizational restructuring, together with mergers and acquisitions are common in today’s world of work. Organizations also need to ensure compliance with a profusion of legislation and people no longer subscribe to the notion of lifelong employment.

If organizations do not transform themselves to ensure they can attract, inspire, motivate, manage, develop and reward their people appropriately, they may lose their most valuable assets.

IMC AS HR Consultants, We are responsible for support clients with strategically integrating effective HR processes, programs and practices into their daily operations. Their role is also to maximize the client’s performance related to human resources by leading or marketing “best practice” products or services as well as to provide periodic feedback to clients regarding their performance related to annual management objectives.

Our human resource Focus on the following:

Building Org Structure

IMC Experts build for their client’s healthy organizational structure which allows its employees to focus on producing quality products and services. Effective organizations provide opportunities to its employees to develop new skills. This allows the staff to constantly improve business operations and ensures that the company maintains a competitive edge required to thrive in a dynamic global marketplace. Creating a healthy organizational structure begins by assessing your company’s needs. Sustaining the structure involves running events and programs to maintain a productive workplace.

By defining how the organization works, you more effectively choose leaders and make effective decisions. A clearly established structure helps employees resolve disputes and work together to achieve strategic goals.

Developing appropriate Organization Processes

IMC Experts Concern about Managerial focusing on completing tasks. The Idea start from organizations accomplish their work through linked chains of activities cutting across departments and functional groups. These chains are called processes and can be conveniently grouped into two categories:

We are taking care about helping all organization managers to draw the right and best process inside their department and between departments inside the organization, moreover the best process to interaction between our client organization and outside organizations.

HR Tools

Human resource departments have many different features that can be forgotten or become unbearable if they are not well organized and well-constructed. IMC HR Consultants will help to make sure that your human resource department is functioning at its best and most efficient.

We will evaluate current high value-added human resources practices and tools and then improve them or create those that you don’t have.
Some of the different aspects we evaluate and develop are:

  • Policies and Procedures
  • Employee Handbooks
  • Forms, Templates, and Checklists (i.e. Call in form, attendance calendar, Personnel Evaluation)
  • Recruitment Tools (i.e. Application, Reference Check, Interview Evaluation)
  • Providing assessment solutions for recruitment and employee development
  • Benchmark Survey of Practices
  • Compliance Standards with Appropriate Legislation
  • Leave Types clarifications
  • Current Human Resources Processes (i.e. Job descriptions)
  • Our focus is to help you optimize your organizational performance to ensure your business is successfully utilizing the human resources in your organization.
  • HR code of Ethics

Compensation Consulting Services

IMC Experts help you to maximize your team’s performance. The way you choose to compensate your employees has a large effect on performance.  Now this doesn’t just mean if you pay them more, they will work harder. IMC will help their clients to achieve what we called Employee Satisfaction

A properly designed compensation structure designed around solid industry research is a vital step to attract, retain and motivate employees.  If you have noticed that your employees are not living up to their potential, there is almost always something you can do to improve their motivation.

The benefits and compensation package, is one key piece of the puzzle that affects employee retention.

Recruiting and Hiring Process

Finding qualified employees can be the most difficult and time-consuming function of HR. Recruitment, the “marketing” function of human resources, requires lots of creativity to find quality candidates that will fit with the organization’s culture and remain with the company over time; the average cost of turnover is 50 – 150% of an employee’s salary.

Recruitment often includes:

  • Job Analysis and Job Description Development
  • Position Advertising Strategy.
  • Resume/Application Management.
  • Screening and Interviewing
  • Interview Question Development-
  • Interview Coaching for Leaders.
  • Reference/Credential
  • Salary and Offer.
  • Offer Letter Preparation.
  • Orientation for the New Employee

Job Evaluation

Job evaluation is a method for comparing different jobs to provide a basis for a grading and pay structure. Its aim is to evaluate the job, not the jobholder, and to provide a relatively objective means of assessing the demands of a job.

Moreover it is the process whereby the relative worth of positions within the organization is established.  The job description is the basis for a job evaluation.  The result consists of assigning jobs to salary grades.

Training and Development

Training and Development is a combined role often called Human Resources Development (HRD), training and development is the field which is concerned with organizational activity aimed at bettering the performance of individuals and groups in organizational settings.. Training focuses on doing activities today to develop employees for their current jobs and development is preparing employees for future roles and responsibilities.

HRD strategies include:

  • Management / Supervisory Training
  • Teambuilding Training
  • Customer Service Training
  • Harassment Training
  • Tuition Reimbursement Program
  • Performance Management
  • 360 degree / multi-rater feedback system
  • Career Coaching

IMC provides high quality solutions to increase skills, knowledge and capability through advanced organizational development services.

We are capable of delivering training and development solutions and plans globally across all markets.

IMC offers professional Training and Development Consulting management designed to aid in the development of employees through structured education. We offer our clients the opportunity to provide employees at all levels with a wide collection of workplace centric educational experiences

In addition, developing management, team building, and leadership skills will ensure that employees are working together in a common direction

HR Consulting has become one of today’s most highly demanded professional services and it takes a great deal of training to be good at it.

We help our clients develop their workforce with our comprehensive talent management delivery model that provides an integrated approach to managing performance and delivering effective training.


There is no such thing as “too much” communication. However, communication must be targeted correctly and often to be effective. It is important for an organization to figure out what methods are most successful for reaching its employees and that the methods used are effectively producing results. Effective communications ensure that employees are “in the know” at all times and feel like a part of the “team”.

Some Communication vehicles include:

  • Employee Opinion Surveys/Focus Groups
  • In-House Publications
  • Annual Reports, Policy & Procedure Manuals,
  • Newsletters, Postings, Memos
  • Community Relations Programs
  • Recreational/Social Events
  • Employee Recognition Programs
  • Suggestion Programs

IMC Experts use a proven strategic planning process and highly International communication standards design to engage, educate and empower targeted audiences to take the actions and change the behaviors that will benefit them as individuals and improve organizational productivity.

Employee Relations

IMC concerned to maintain employer-employee relationships that contribute to satisfactory productivity, motivation, and morale.   Essentially, Employee Relations is concerned with preventing and resolving problems involving individuals which arise out of or affect work situations.

Advice is provided to supervisors on how to correct poor performance and employee misconduct. In such instances, progressive discipline and regulatory and other requirements must be considered in effecting disciplinary actions and in resolving employee grievances and appeals.

Information is provided to employees to promote a better understanding of management’s goals and policies.  And to assist them in correcting poor performance, on or off duty misconduct, and/or to address personal issues that affect them in the workplace.

Employees are advised about applicable regulations, legislation, and bargaining agreements.

And also advised about their complaint and appeal rights and discrimination and whistleblower protections.